Friday, June 19, 2009

I Can Has Cheezburger?

Sorry, sorry... I know, the jokes are old. And I really do it out of love, because I adore the man. And yes, Blues fans everywhere can has Walt! The Blues re-signed Tkachuk for a 1 year contract, no monetary terms leaked as of yet. Fantastic. His net presence and work on the PP are invaluable, his leadership skills necessary, and his love for the city of St. Louis is very obvious - he mentioned it every time someone said the word "contract" to him. He's made it known that he wants to retire a Blue, and JD has made it so.

I wouldn't be shocked to see him retire after this season, possibly with an office job a la MacInnis to come. Knowing our fetish for jersey retirements, that might not be out of the question. But, for right now, let's all be happy that we've re-signed a very valuable piece of the puzzle for our team.

So far I've posted on 2 big UFA re-uppings for both of my teams. Here's hoping that the next one's Kovy.

More info from Custance: $2.15 mil. Not half bad.

"They know how much I like it here, being a part of the team. I like where the team is heading. It's one of those things I did for the right reasons."


aaron said...

Celebratory bundt cakes and meatloaves shall be mailed immediately.

/will never turn down a Walt or Marty fat joke


Laura (aka Hildymac) said...

LOL. Marty comes with the added perk of being able to be made fun of for incestuous affairs, too.

Sunshine36616 said...

Noooooo! Marty is not fat and it technically wasn't was his wife's 1/2 brothers wife :p I'll always defend the goalie.

Congrats on Walt!

Laura (aka Hildymac) said...

Ahh, technicalities. :D

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